Meet the Team

We are a team of five Master of Human Computer Interaction students from Carnegie Mellon University working on our final Capstone project with NASA. We call ourselves, Team Far Out!

Team Far Out
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Gaby Gayles LinkedIn

Gaby studied Human Biology and Creative Writing at Stanford, where she nurtured a fascination with the intersection of design, behavioral science and storytelling. She’s a skilled researcher, designer, and writer.


Rudy Iyer LinkedIn

Rudy studied Computer Science and Engineering at PES University in Bangalore, but discovered a much deeper passion in User Experience Design and Research. Rudy is a talented designer, researcher and developer.


Katherine Jiang LinkedIn

Katherine holds a background in business and marketing and has experience working for media and creative agencies. She is an experienced UX designer and researcher with a strong passion for understanding human behavior and how design can create social impact.


Judy Leng LinkedIn

Judy went to Duke to study Visual Media, Art History and German, followed by a stint in architecture school before she realized her real passions lie in HCI. She is an expert designer and enjoys exploring the ways user-centered design connects across a multitude of disciplines to positively impact large groups of people.


Allana Wooley LinkedIn

Allana studied Anthropology and Writing at TCU. After graduating, she spent a year in South Korea on a Fulbright grant and developed a love for well-designed technology experiences and returned to the US to work as a software project manager. Allana has experience as a project manager, researcher and writer.

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